Sunday Deep Dive Sessions

Take your career to the next level with Sunday Deep Dive Sessions. Choose between our full and half-day sessions and take an intensive look at a variety of topics curated to meet your interests and needs. Sunday Deep Dive Sessions are available to Attendee, OSHA/DOE/DOD, and Nonprofit Registrants. Space is limited, so reserve your seat at registration.

Full Day Sessions

8:00am – 4:00pm

What’s New in DOE-VPP?

This session is for any participant in the Department of Energy VPP program. We’ll discuss an overview of what’s new in the DOE-VPP Program.

VPP Application Workshop®*

This full day session will focus on successful strategies you and your site can use to develop and submit a VPP Application that will meet VPP requirements, highlight your areas of excellence, and be acceptable to OSHA. Topics will include gap analyses, VPP elements, traditional and online submission methods, how to best showcase site strengths, mistakes to avoid, proper use of attachments, trade secrets and personal information, and other pertinent topics. This session will be presented by a consortium of Special Government Employees, VPP site representatives, organized labor representatives, OSHA State Plan personnel, and federal OSHA VPP Managers.

You will learn to:

  • Develop a complete VPP application
  • Evaluate site readiness to submit VPP application
  • Identify areas of excellence and program gaps

*Additional Fee to Register

Conflict Resolution Through Mediation

Conflicts in the workplace are very stressful and can lead to an unsafe work environment if not delt with in a timely manner. Conflicts occur when something we care about is threatened, and this perceived threat can trigger fight or fight reactions.

The National VPPPA Labor Management Committee will be hosting Mediation Training presented by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, an independent federal agency established under the Taft Hartley Act of 1947. In this workshop attendees will learn “What are the Four Sources of Conflict, Types of Conflict and Guidelines for Resolving Conflicts”. They will also be introduced to the role of a Mediator, Benefits of a Mediation, Settlements, Litigation vs. Mediation, and Steps in Mediation. Here is your opportunity to increase your knowledge and skills with the methods used for resolving conflicts in the workplace.

You will learn to:

  • Identify the Four Sources of Conflict
  • Select the best strategy to resolve the conflict
  • Distinguish between litigation and mediation
  • Define the role and benefits of a mediator

Half Day Sessions

8:00am – 12:00pm

PSM 101

Nathan Obaugh, Manager Process Safety, NuStar Energy
Tim Belitz, Director – Health Safety and Environmental, Honeywell
Rob Walker, Senior HSE Manager – PSM & Mechanical Integrity, Honeywell
Jackie Annis, Industrial Hygienist, OSHA

This class is an introductory overview of the core elements of OSHA’s Process Safety Management regulation, 29 CFR 1910.119. (applicability, Process Safety Information, Process Hazard Analysis, Contractors, Mechanical Integrity) The selected PSM elements will be reviewed by a panel of industry experts with decades of combined operating and engineering experience in various PSM regulated industries. You will learn how to navigate the regulation, what industry best practices are available and applicable, where to go for guidance and questions, and learn about pitfalls and strategies for success in implementing and maintaining your company’s PSM program.

You will learn to:

  • Apply core elements of 29 CFR 1910.119 to your workplace
  • Predict program pitfalls
  • Identify industry best practices

Violence in the Workplace and Active Shooter Response


  • Brian Ramdwar – PCAPP Deputy Manager
  • Valerie Dorr – PCAPP Performance Improvement Advisor/VPP Team
  • Sharyn Baker – PCAPP Emergency Preparedness Officer
  • Ray Ross – Hill Air Force Base, ATO/Emergency/COOP Manager
  • Elesa Martinez – PCAPP PPE/Operations Support Supervisor/VPP Team
  • Brooke Costello – PCAPP Tracking Systems Specialist/VPP Team
  • Tom Bevington – PCAPP Sign Shop Coordinator/VPP Team
  • Mike Johnson – PCAPP System Safety Technologist
  • Scott Marco – PCAPP Safety Manager
  • Josh Witte – PCAPP Emergency Preparedness Officer
  • Aron Realy – PCAPP Deputy Medical Services Manager

This workshop will focus on programs for Workplace Violence Prevention and go beyond the standard “Run, Hide Fight” response to an Active Shooter incident. What constitutes an effective Workplace Violence Program and an Active Shooter Program will be discussed.

A dialogue will take place on preparing and responding to such situations and the correct response and planning for mass casualty emergency treatment called “Stop the Bleed”. A “Stop the Bleed” course will finish the morning session. Life-threatening bleeding can occur from accidents or disasters. This hands-on course will help participants learn how to recognize and quickly and effectively act to control such bleeding. A certificate will be awarded to participants.

You will learn to:

  • Define and Classify Workplace Violence and Active Shooter
  • Practice De-Escalation and Situational Awareness
  • Identify Magnitude/ Statistics, Consequences, and Perpetrator Characteristics

Excellence in Industrial Hygiene

Brenda Tolson-Markas, CIH, CSP, Certified Environmental Management, LTD
Mike Rose, Hellman & Associates
Lt Col William ‘Casey’ Matthews, US Air Force Hill AFB
Jason Furlow, OSHA

This highly interactive session will utilize multiple NIOSH case studies as a backdrop for in-depth analysis and group discussion activities. Each team will solve the unknown solution for the NIOSH case studies and present their conclusions to the class.  Each of the presenters will share their own technical expertise, knowledge, and experience from their many years working in industry, consultation, the military, and OSHA. They will also serve as one-on-one resources for the attendees during their group activity to offer guidance, advice, and alternative perspectives. Come learn from one of the best collections of industrial hygienists ever assembled into one workshop session.

You will learn to:

  • Break down NIOSH case studies
  • Collaborate with a group to identify solutions
  • Present case findings and lessons learned

1:00pm – 4:00pm

Smooth Operator: Soft Skills for Coaching Continuous Improvement and Culture

Speaker: Tim Page-Bottorff, Senior Safety Consultant, SafeStart

One of the primary reasons that compliance rates lag behind where they should be is that workers feel unengaged with your safety program. A successful safety program requires the support and commitment of employees, and that depends on your ability to earn their trust. Soft skills are one of the biggest determinants of trust, and they are often the missing element to an otherwise successful safety program. This half-day session is designed to provide safety professionals with a deep understanding of the interpersonal skills and practices that can transform their approach to safety engagement. It will focus on practical methods of winning the hearts and minds of workers in order to positively influence safety outcomes and to shift attitudes towards safety in general.

Participants will learn to leverage the power of consistency, deploy positivity and empathy with tactical precision, and use storytelling to strengthen your workplace safety culture and deepen workers’ faith in your safety program. There will be a variety of learning methods, including plenty of time to practice new skills and to workshop your personal approach to crucial people skills.

Led by Tim Page-Bottorff, an expert in safety engagement and training, this is a can’t-miss session for anyone looking to improve personal connections with the workforce. Whether you’re trying to improve your own ability to connect with workers, or you want to boost the soft skills of your frontline supervisors, this session will offer the insight you need to enhance the caliber and consistency of safety engagement.

You will learn to:

  • Demonstrate the value of soft skills
  • Analyze what soft skills can and cannot do
  • Examine research on relationship building and recognize its importance in safety
  • Identify the seven soft skills that will make your safety program more efficient
  • Apply the seven soft skills through interactive practice with other safety professionals

Workplace Mental Health, Wellness, and Suicide Prevention

Daniel Rector, RKI
Glenn Merchant, PCAPP
Jennifer Wilson, PCAPP
Alex Yannacone, VitalCog
Matt Mishkind, VitalCog

Personnel from RK Industries, the Johnson Depression Center, and the Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant will share their successful, world-class strategies for promoting workplace mental health/wellness and suicide prevention. Topics will include identifying warning signs, providing help and guidance to those in need, and attendees will receive VitalCog training.

You will learn to:

  • Discuss and practice direct conversations
  • Identify risk factors and warning signs as they pertain to different industry settings
  • Apply best practices for implementing mental health and wellness programs to the workplace

Confined Space Competent Person Entrant/Attendant/Entry Supervisor: Don’t Become a Statistic

Chris McGlynn, CSP Director of Safety/ VPP Coordinator, Roco Rescue
Chris Warrick, CSRT Crew Member/ Medical Program Manager, Roco Rescue

Join Chris McGlynn and Chris Warrick of Roco Rescue for a three-in-one confined space entry team course. By taking the team approach to CSE, you’ll get the big picture of entry responsibilities and precautions, preparing you to serve as a competent person as Entrant, Attendant, or Entry Supervisor. This presentation will cover an overview of the three roles and how they work together, common confined space hazards, rescue, myths and misconceptions, as well as alternate entry & reclassification.

You will learn to:

  • Classify roles and responsibilities of Entrant, Attendant, and Entry Supervisor
  • Understand Permit-Required Confined Space regulations
  • Identify rescue requirements
  • Apply hierarchy of controls to CSE Hazards